J-5 Rogers Family


A Day at the Races

Jeremy took the day off today to take his "best boy" (Jaydon) to the NASCAR qualifying round at TMS. (Texas Motor Speedway for those of you who don't habla.)

Jeremy has been talking for years about wanting to do special things with Jaydon and the time arrived...Jaydon is officially old enough to go to NASCAR without us feeling like bad parents.
I say this because we have gotten free tickets many times and we don't take him. It irks us to no end when we see people there with babies (or small children). ESPECIALLY when they don't have protective ear things on them!

Anyway, let's just start by saying that Jeremy does things like this for our family all of the time. He knows that "Home is Where the Heart Is", and I don't even have to ask him to do these things. In fact, I didn't even know about it until yesterday!
He is such a great dad & husband and we are all lucky that he is OURS! :)

Jaydon has been watching "Cars" lately, so he's back into the whole racing thing. This couldn't have come at a better time. He's been saying "Boogety, boogety, boogety boys...let's go racing!"

I made him go to school this morning - because God forbid he get counted absent or his mother might have a heart attack. Jeremy walked him in and told his teacher that he would be back at 10:30 - right before lunch - to pick him up. Jaydon must have told the teacher where he was going because when Jeremy got there, he overheard her tell him to have fun.
When the Birdville ISD calls me on Monday reminding me of the importance of a child's education, I plead the 5th. I wasn't here, I knew nothing, and somebody hacked into my computer to write this post!
(Side Note: Jeremy wrote "personal" as the reason for Jaydon needing to leave early. PERSONAL - are ya kidding? Kindergarten isn't corporate America babe. Who on Earth is going to believe that our kindergartener needed a personal day?)

They left here right before 11:00 and headed to Cabela's to buy ear protection. Jaydon is sensitive to ANY loud noises, so they were a must. Yes, I know...so why on Earth did we take him to the races? :)

I checked in with them at 12:30, and they were having a blast. Jaydon got to wave the flags, yell at the race cars, (like they could hear him!) and spend time with his favorite man - his daddy. Who could ask for anything more?

So for those of you who have asked me countlessly why I have only posted pictures of Jilian lately...here ya go!

PS: I am home all day long with Jilian and Jacoby, so it's easy to get pictures of them. Jaydon is at school - hence the fewer pictures. I'll do my best to keep it even. Just remember that he was an only child for 5+ years, so everything has ALWAYS been Jaydon, Jaydon, Jaydon. His brother & sister deserve a chance in the limelight too!
Jaydon knows that he will forever hold the first spot in mommy's heart. :)

PPS: Jeremy did an AWESOME job capturing the memories of their day! He takes days off, spends time with his son, remembers the camera AND takes pictures! I sure found me a winner!!!

You've got it ALL figured out, son - this is what racing is all about!
(Watch his head.)

I see the light! Wait, maybe I need to open my eyes to do that...

He LOVED waving the flags...

In his own world and enjoying his day...

At Cabela's...

The official sponsor of Coca Cola Classic. Nothing beats a Coke! Free endorsement courtesy of Jaydon Rogers.
Isn't that picture classic NASCAR?


Blogger Andi said...

I'm so glad they had a nice day together!

April 3, 2009 at 10:55 PM  
Anonymous Tia said...

Had no idea what TMS was, just for the record. Thought it was a country station, wait, that's CMT. Love the pics!!! Hope Jaydon got his absent work!

April 10, 2009 at 9:10 PM  

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