J-5 Rogers Family


Sonogram & Spelling Test

I went to the doctor today for my 37-week, 4-day check-up. Everything was perfect! Jilian's heartbeat was 144, my amniotic fluid was perfect, all of her measurements were great, and I'm still scheduled for my c-section on January 20th, at 12:00 PM. I am currently at 11 lbs. weight gain. Nice!
The semi-shocker was that she was breech. She was turned completely sideways with her head still way up at the top. This means nothing since I have c-sections, (Thank God for that since she's breech!) but it explains why I can feel movement on both sides at the same time- it's her little feet! :) ...and let me tell you that those little feet are pushing WAY down and causing some nasty pressure!

My doctor said that at my stage in pregnancy, 96% of women have already had their child turn, and ready for birth. I'm in that small 4%, I guess! Again, thank God for c-sections!
The REAL shocker today was Jilian's weight. As you know by now, both of my boys were on the smaller side when they were born. Jaydon was 6lbs. 10oz., and he was born 4 days before my due date. Jacoby was 6lbs. 6oz., and he was born 15 days before my due date.
Well, Miss Jilian Cate was at 6 lbs. 5 oz. today! Yep - she is more than likely going to weigh more than both of her brothers! She "should" gain about 12 more oz., (1 oz. per day) so that would put her at 7 lbs. 1 oz. at birth. Sonograms can be off by +/- 1 pound, so we shall see. I guess in all actuality, all 3 of my children will be no more than 1 pound apart which is pretty close.

For those of you who haven't voted yet, there is a poll up above. (Although I pretty much just gave away the answer, but you never know!)

Today, Jaydon had his first spelling test. I cannot tell you how excited we were when we opened his folder, and saw that he had gotten all of his words right - even the challenge word! They had to spell 3 of the 4 words, and then the challenge word. Then the teacher dictated the sentence which he did really well at.

(Click on the image to enlarge!)
I honestly think that Jaydon lost focus because when we went over it with him a little while ago, he knew how to spell everything in the sentence. (Mrs. Goolsby wrote the sentence down after their test.) We'll have to work on sentence dictation at home.
Jeremy was SO proud of him, and he wants to frame his first test. What a sweet Daddy! :)

Jaydon - we are so happy that you are such a good student. Nice job, son!!!

I spent my whole day off cleaning today. I must say that the house looks so nice. It's such a good feeling when your house is clean!
I took lunch to Jaydon at 10:40, and he wanted me to go to recess with him, so I did. I like that my son still enjoys time with his mom. This is my 3rd time to eat lunch with him this year, and I'm glad that I can do that.
After we finished eating, we got in line to go out to recess and the little girl (cough, cough-BRAT!) in line behind him says, "We don't need adults at recess." I ignored her, and she said it again. Jaydon says to her, "Don't be ridiculous." She says it again with more attitude and looks right up at me. I squatted down and said, "You will ALWAYS need adults, even when you are grown. Please don't say that again." She says, "I can if I want to." So I ask her if her mom has ever come to eat lunch with her, and she says no. As we walk off, I think to myself: Yeah - you can tell your mom has never been here, you NEED attention is what you NEED...little brat!
I know kids say things and sometimes they don't understand what they are saying, but this little girl KNEW what she was saying and she had an attitude. I'm glad that my son at least made an attempt to defend me.
When we get outside, Jaydon says, "Mom, she's not nice. She got a yellow today." It was so cute.
All of the other kids in the class absolutely love me. They always say, "Hi, Jaydon's mom" or "Hi, Mrs. Rogers". Some of them even run to give me a hug - so sweet. :)

I have a very busy weekend ahead, so I'll blog all about it on Sunday.
Enjoy your weekend, and the beautiful weather...


Blogger Andi said...

I'm so glad your visit at the OB went well! I won't at all be surprised of Jilian is a good pound larger than her brothers. That story about the BRAT at school cracked me up, you and J3 handled it perfectly! GREAT JOB,
J3, on your spelling test, we are so proud of you!

January 8, 2009 at 10:17 PM  

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