J-5 Rogers Family



Did you notice...

1.  That he is left-handed?  He is my only left-handed child.  Both the hubby and I are lefties.  (...along with my sister, my dad, and his dad, too.)
2.  At the 28-second mark, how Jacoby starts scooting over when the attention isn't on him anymore?  He says: "How 'bout mine, mommy?"  His next spelling word should be: j-e-a-l-o-u-s.
3. How Jilian copied Jacoby, and laid down at the 54-second mark? Monkey see, monkey do...ALWAYS. 
It's like having twins.
4.  Jilian is spelling, too?  At the 1:05 mark, she is saying her vowels.  I am trying to teach them the difference between vowels & consonants.  It's never too early to try, right?  She can also spell her name, but only on her terms, and with lots of probing.
5.  He is in pajamas - the same ones he wore in the last video?  It's a rarity in the colder months that we get out of pajamas during the week since all we do is go to/from the elementary school to pick Jaydon up and drop him off.  Saves on laundry for sure!  The reason Sassy is dressed is because she insists on getting dressed in the mornings.  Girl?  :)

I love being able to teach my kiddos.  Jacoby knows all of his letters - upper & lower case in any order, he can sing his ABC's, he can count to 20 and identify all of his number to 10, he knows most of his colors, and a few shapes, too.  He's known most of these things since right after he turned 2.  Jilian is not quite there yet, but she knows a few letters, and she is my talker.  She is teaching her brother new words, while he teaches her letters. 
They are learning to share - albeit the hard way with some pushing, shoving, and hair pulling.  It's really too cute though, and I'm glad I'm here to see it done rather than it being at a daycare where I wouldn't know who the culprit was, and just how "hard" they've pinched, bitten or been mean to one of my children.

Jacoby will start a 3-year old class next fall through the church that Jaydon went to pre-K at.  It's 3-hours per day, 5-days per week.  It will be his first time at a school, and I hope he continues to learn. 

Next task: Potty-Training...for both.  They are both ready, and I've procrastinated long enough.  The post about that won't be so sweet.  It starts next week.  I tried this summer, (for two days) and I just wasn't into it at all.  Next week, it's all about the potty.  (Great timing since Jeremy will be here most of next week.  Coincidence?  You decide. {big smile}

Happy Weekend!  
Might be my last happy one for a while, mom... 



Racing Toddlers

After our breakfast, and fun-filled morning of coloring scribbling, trains, playing house, and reading, we went outside. 
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: 
Two very happy toddlers...

I know I have been a bad blogger.  I apologize.  It usually takes a few emails, or just seeing another friend start blogging (Thanks, Knecht!) for me to blog again. 

I hope to stay caught up - especially during the holidays.  There is never a dull moment around here!

Anyway, so the video...
Some days, you just have to let 'em run wild, and do as they please.  (I admit, I was having a good time watching them race.)  It usually leads to longer naps.  That's always a plus, right?