J-5 Rogers Family


Vacation Bible School

Last week, Jaydon attended VBS at a church just up the road from us.  He went from 9 AM - 12 PM every day. 
This was the same church/school where he went to Pre-K. 

He went with Ayden, and even though they were in different classrooms, they seemed to have a really good time. 
Ayden was sick the last day, so he wasn't there for the end-of-week festivities.

There were also a couple of other kids from Jaydon's school that attended.  He did end up having one of them in his class.

It was hard to get good pictures and video because Jaydon was really far away, but I got some. 
I honestly have to say that I think the two little ones enjoyed themselves more than Jaydon. 

I'll let you be the judge...

Where's Waldo Jaydon?

It will be so much fun when I can see all three of them on that stage together.  I can't wait!
My hope is that their "energy" for Jesus never fizzles. 




My absolute favorite thing about Summer is seeing my children play outside together. 
They laugh, they run, they swing, they sweat, they get grass stains, they laugh some more, they 'make-believe play', they play in water & with water guns, they jump on the trampoline, they get dirt under their finger nails, they laugh some more, they wear out and take good afternoon naps, and they I love every.single.minute.of.it!

This Summer, Jacoby climbed the rock wall on the side of the swing set all by himself for the very first time - barefooted I might add. 
ALL boy
Jilian isn't too far behind though.  Monkey see monkey do? 
ALL sass
Jaydon has taught Jacoby how to "pump" while swinging.  He isn't good at it.  It just makes it that much cuter. 
ALL love.
Jilian giggles as she watches them swing on either side of her. 
ALL smiles

It's all simply priceless...

Boys, Sass, Love & Smiles
Life just doesn't get any better!  Period.


Toy Story 3

We took Jaydon to see Toy Story 3 on June 18th - the day it premiered.  I really don't think we have ever been to a movie the day it came out. 
We went to a 7:30 PM show in 3-D, and it was spectacular.  I am such a fan of children's movies.  This one was done up just right.  It was a bit scary in some places, but not too much for a 7-year old boy.
I have to say that Toy Story is still my favorite, but the next two were pretty good.  I think I am just a fan of 'the original/first' of all movies.

Jaydon had SUCH a good time.  He is not really fond of movies on the big screen, but he wouldn't let us forget this one. 
Every day starting a month in advance was a 'count down'..."Mom, we have 22 more days until the movie."  "Mom, we have 4 more days."  "Mom, TOMORROW is THE day!!"
He enjoyed a bag of popcorn, and time away from his brother & sister with just his Mommy and Daddy.

Thanks to the Cooper's (our neighbors) for keeping our two troublesome toddlers.  According to them, they were "perfect".  Hmmm...

Check out Mr. Cool Guy himself in his 3-D glasses:
Here are a couple of pictures of our little ham.  I told him I hadn't taken any pictures of him in a while, and he laughed (sarcastically I might add!) and said, "You never stop taking pictures Mom!" 
Then I told him not to smile so big, and the picture below is what I got. Character?
I think he looks so angelic in this shot.
Keep your innocence as long as you can, Jaydon. Taking toys to college would be okay with your Mommy.

I'm glad you liked the movie just as much as we did, J-Bird! 
Daddy & I enjoyed our time alone with you...our Sweet-Potato-Pumpkin-Pie.



Mini Chimney Sweeps

I went to the laundry room to sort laundry.  I heard the kids laughing and thought nothing of it.  (Noise is good when you have children, right?)
I started the next load.  I folded the towels, and went to put them in the linen closet.
I was in the laundry room a total of 4 minutes - if that.

My first clue that something was wrong:
No big deal.  A few wipes and done.  Perhaps it was dirt from when they were playing outside earlier in the day?  Maybe not - I would have noticed that before coming back inside. 

What could it be though?  What did they get into?  Why are there footprints here?

Then I hear, "Oh Moooooooooom!  Just wait until you see what they did!!!"

I turned the corner and dropped the towels.

Exhibit A:
...yes, I dropped the towels INTO that mess.
(It sounds so cliché but the pictures do not do this mess justice.  They really don't.)

My first thought was: Thank God that they aren't wearing their usual 'cute' attire!  Jilian wears dresses daily.  The Lord was whispering in my ear when He told me what to dress them in that morning.  Phew. 

Let's just say that one week later, it's NOT any better.  Vinegar mix, Resolve, Bissell Steam Cleaner.  It's not coming out.  It's just not.

Guilty or innocent?  The jury is out...
 (Dear Addyson L:  I ♥ you and your 'antics'.  Nothing you have ever done even compares.  This is just one of many 'incidences' here on Round Rock Road.  Will you please move in with me?  I will give your mommy a two-for-one special.  Good price-great deal-promise.  Signed, Aunt Jessica)

So my dream for new flooring might have just become a reality thanks to two 'busy' children.

We have lived in this house for five years, and never used the two-sided fire place.  Ever.  (Don't judge.  It's not our thing.) 
Apparently Obviously, you are supposed to clean the inside after the old owners move out?  Minor detail folks.

Last Saturday was spent scrubbing the tub where I had to bathe these two.  Can you guess what I will be scrubbing the inside of this Saturday?

My house is completely child proofed. 
All detergents & cleaning products are kept at about a 6-foot level behind/above the washer & dryer in the laundry room.  There are unreachable top locks on all doors leading outside, along with door knob covers on every.single.door.  All drawers and cabinets have baby locks, and all electrical outlets have covers.  All Crayons and WASHABLE Markers are stored in sealed boxes in my closet.  All Sharpies are kept up high in the garage.  I thought I had crossed all of my t's, and dotted all of my i's.

Apparently Obviously not.
Sometimes, you just can't win.

Would you say that this is one of those times?   


Jilian's First Haircut

Ahhhhhhh, furball...need I say more?

Can you see why she needed a haircut?  (Of course I exaggerated a bit, and this is not brushed or conditioned.)

We took her in to get a haircut at Supercuts in Bedford with Kari, who has been cutting our entire family's hair since 2002.  We debated taking her somewhere 'kid friendly' for the picture op, but Kari is so good with my kiddos!

Jaydon did great at his first haircut which was at 7 months.  After that, Jaydon was a nightmare for haircuts for THREE years.  He is fine now.  Jacoby had his first haircut around his first birthday.  Jacoby was good, but not great. 
Jilian did well - very well. She just sat there like nothing. She was honestly an angel!  She didn't even move or shed a single tear.  We didn't have high hopes considering it was 8:00 PM and raining, but she pulled through like a real champ. 

Kari only ended up cutting a litle off the back to get rid of the mullet, and to give her a more rounded look.  She took a little off the top, too.  Jilian's hair is pretty fine, but it has curl.  I think she hasn't gotten a good set of hair in yet and still has a lot of baby hair.  When we were done, there was hardly any hair on the floor.  I'm so used to seeing mounds & mounds of hair!
I told Kari that I still wanted to be able to put a ponytail in her hair, and I didn't want bangs.  You can hardly tell it was cut, but I can already see a difference in the fullness just 2 weeks later - amazing!

The best part was...Kari didn't charge us.  SUCH a sweet lady!  She always gives our kiddos their first haircut for free.  It had been so long though that I forgot.  So we tipped her, and that was that!

Here are some before & after pictures of this momentous day.  That dress is up there on my list of faves because of the bright design and back.

Cutey-pie in her new dress from Key West
Look at that bum - love it!

You can see just how big Jaydon is next to her here - and he isn't even standing with his legs together.  Amazing!  He was dancing with her and turned around to pose.
Daddy's Girl for sure.  (Sometimes)

It's official when you get a certificate!

Jilian - you rocked!  Thanks for being a good girl.
Thank you, Kari!  You are the best!


Eighteen Months

Jilian Cate (A.K.A. Sassy Girl) - you are 1½ today! 
Let's see what you are up to:
You weigh 23 pounds, and you are 30½ inches long.  According to my calculations, you are in the 25th percentile for both height & weight. Awww yes - petite you are! (Your 18-month appt. is on the 27th.) (EDIT: You are 31.5 inches long as of your 18-month check-up on the 27th. That means...25th percentile for weight, and 50th for height.)
Jaydon is currently in the 95th percentile for weight, and 75th for height.  Jacoby is currently just under the 75th for both. They obviously both took my "big" genes and left you with none!

You wear a size 4 diaper.  You will probably be in that size for a long time.

You wear size 18-24 month clothes.  Size 18 month dresses fit you better length wise than the next size up, but then I worry about the width.  You have a few 2T shirts in your wardrobe, as well as some 12-18 month things that still fit.  (Sizes are weird.)

You are comfortable in a size 4 shoe.  That's two whole sizes smaller than your brothers at this age.  Those teeny tiny feet are so adorable!

You sleep 11-13 solid hours every night.  You have been doing that since you were a newborn though.  You are taking 1 nap per day - usually about a 2-hour, late afternoon nap.

You have 12 teeth.  FOUR more are trying to break through as I type.  God bless you while you get new ones - it looks so painful!

You have about 30 words in your vocabulary - over half of which you use daily with meaning.  Here are most of them:, "hi", "hello", "no",  "apple", "nana", "shoe/shoes", "sock", "buh-bye", "please", "Daddy", "dog", "uh-oh", "up", "Duke", "Aba", "Mommy", "door", "ball", "tata", "baby/babies", "outside", "all done", "bubba", "hot dog", "this", "open", "thank you".  When you want to be carried, you say: "Up pWease".  When you don't want something, you shake your head rapidly while repeating: "No momma".  You have even put three words together.  You hand me something and say: "Here you go".  (Although it sounds more like 'heeeaaw-you-o".)  Just this morning, you brought me your brother's sippy cup.  I said, "I don't believe that to be your cup.  Where is Sassy's cup"?  You turned around, went to the couch, and brought me your cup.  Then you said, "Here you go".  You also use the infamous "here you go" when you rip your bows out of your hair. 
You still sign for 'more'.  Your vocabulary is ahead of schedule...or maybe it's where it is supposed to be, so we stopped teaching you signs.  All I know is that you are already saying more than I could ever get out of your two brothers.  Lord help us all with your chattiness!
 When you want us to sing, you say "habby, habby" (happy, happy).  Your favorite song to imitate is, "If you are happy & you know it...".  I love doing this with you because you grin from beginning to end.  You also enjoy The Itsy Bitsy Spider which was your brother Jacoby's favorite.  It's so cool to watch you move your fingers "up the spout" in unison with mine.
When we ask you how old you are, you hold up one finger...then continue counting.  (Not that we can understand all of the numbers, but we get what you are doing.)  We are trying to get you to say, "I'm 1", but it isn't really flying over so well.  You shake your head and say "no" instead.  The beauty of the 18-month old mind.
You can identify a few letters and know their sounds.  (This is due to the fact that Jacoby is a letter machine and knows all of his letters and letter sounds.  He helps you with that.)
You are a monkey.  Simple as that - a monkey!  There isn't anything that you don't climb on/over/under.  I cannot leave you alone for more than 1.4 seconds.  Ever.

You still love to dance. In fact, that's probably your favorite thing to do right now. You dance on the coffee table during that 1.4 seconds you are left alone and my heart skips 8 (or 12) beats every single time you are up there. Oh and the tantrums when I make you get down. Wowza. Full blown fits.
You love to be chased and tickled.  You find us and run off, then turn around to see if we are behind you.

You still LOVE to be outside.  Even in this 147º Texas heat, you could play outside all day long.

When we do gymnastics, I tell you to "finish".  You raise both your arms up high and squeal with delight.  You LOVE to hang on the monkey bars.  You do this by yourself for a few seconds at a time while trying to lift your legs up to flip over.  (Your real gymnastics classes start on August 7th.  Woo-Hoo!) 

You squat every time you go #2.  You go once per day which is a drastic change from the brother a year older than you who went (and still goes!) 3-4 times per day.  Then you bring me a diaper and say: "tata". (caca)  Potty-training is in your near future seeing as how you want to do everything Jacoby does, and we are starting that with him.  You also seem to understand the concept of being soiled, and you know where to go when I tell you it's pee-pee time.

 You still drink milk from a bottle. This is your mommy's choice, not yours. We haven't even tried a sippy cup because it isn't a big deal to me.  Why fix what aint broken?  You have the rest of your life to "be big".  I like knowing exactly how much you are drinking. You will drink water and juice from a sippy just fine though.

You eat really well.  Your dad and I have 2-6 eyes on us every single time we eat.  We hear lots of "pweases" at our feet - little beggars.  You are not the big time fruit eater that your brother Jacoby is, but you love all meats, chicken, turkey, a couple of veggies, a couple of fruits, yogurt, pudding, bread, and cheese.  I will sometimes give you a jar of veggies with your dinner if I don't feel like you ate a lot - and you still gulp it down as if you were a baby.  I don't really think you have a favorite food although rice & chicken seems to be up there on the list.  You are my girl though because you have a sweet tooth.  You love dessert, and you ate an entire piece of my homemade flan the other night! 

Jaydon still adores you.  Jacoby...well, let's just say that you & Jacoby bicker more than I would like.  The bickering is typically over toys.  It sometimes ends with a shove, hair pull, or scream.  Sibling rivalry?  Too close in age?  I know this will get worse before it gets better.     

You have a favorite blankie that goes to your crib with you every time you sleep.  You aren't attached to the point of taking it places or carrying it around all day, but you really enjoy sleeping with it.

 Have I mentioned everything?  Have I mentioned that you are spoiled rotten and will ask anyone to pick you up?  Thank goodness that you are a lightweight. 
My issue is that you & your brother both want my atttention at the same time.  So although you are light, you + your brother = mega back pain every night for your mother.
  You are such a joy.  You are such a blessing.  You are such a monkey.  You are so stinkin' adorable
You are you, and we love every millisecond of having you in our family!

(Dress courtesy of Tia {Madrina} Jessenia from her recent trip to Mexico.)